Feed Creator 2.2

Feed Creator 2.2 is now out! Feed Creator converts web pages into RSS feeds, and can merge and filter existing feeds. Along with a number of bug fixes (see changelog at the end), there are some new features in this version.

Full-Text RSS 3.9.7

Full-Text RSS 3.9.7 is now available. Full-Text RSS is used by software developers and news enthusiasts to extract article content from news sites and blogs, and to convert RSS feeds that contain only extracts of stories into full-text feeds. Existing customers can download the latest version through our customer login.

Introducing Feed Control

Feed Control is a new, hosted service we’re offering here at FiveFilters.org. It can monitor different types of feeds: RSS feeds, Twitter feeds, and webpages. For each feed you can set up filtering, email alerts and webhooks, as well as RSS and JSON generation.